Conditions of Use

Oz Property HQ and Allied Ventures Trust are divisions of AVMT Pty Ltd A.C.N. 151 166 746.

The websites and online resources that constitute the ‘Allied Ventures web’ are operated by AVMT Pty Ltd , trading as “Allied Ventures” and its related bodies corporate.

These Allied Ventures web Conditions of Use govern your use of all sites forming the Allied Ventures web.

Your use of the Allied Ventures web constitutes an acknowledgment and agreement by you to these conditions and any modifications. Should you object to any of these conditions or any subsequent modifications your only recourse is to immediately discontinue your use of the associated resources.

Your use of any related sites of third party service partners, or unrelated parties is completely subject to the conditions of the specific website or online resource itself. You must review and abide by the conditions of each such resource respectively.

Allied Ventures may occasionally offer deals, discounts, competitions and promotions on the Allied Ventures web. These will be subject to additional terms and conditions, which will be made known to you at the time.

All terms and conditions, which govern your use of Allied Ventures web resources (including disclaimers) may only be amended in writing signed by an authorised officer of Allied Ventures and Allied Ventures may amend them from time to time.

Intellectual Property Rights
All material provided on the Allied Ventures web is copyright protected. The material may only be used for your own personal reference. None of the web material may be used, copied, reproduced, published, stored, altered or transmitted in any form or by any means in whole or part without the prior written approval of Allied Ventures.

You may not use any part of the material on an Allied Ventures web site to establish, maintain or provide, or assist in establishing, maintaining or providing your own publications, Internet site or other means of distribution.

The Allied Ventures logo is a registered trademarks of Allied Ventures or its related bodies corporate. Other trade marks displayed on the Allied Ventures web may belong to third parties.

Your obligations
As a condition of your use you warrant that you will not use the Allied Ventures web for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these terms & conditions. You agree to abide by all applicable laws and regulations.

In particular, you agree not to:

  • use the Allied Ventures web to defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten or otherwise offend others;
  • publish, distribute, e-mail, transmit or disseminate any material which is unlawful, obscene, defamatory, indecent, offensive or inappropriate;
  • engage in or promote any surveys, contests, pyramid schemes, chain letters, unsolicited e-mailing or spamming via the Allied Ventures web;
  • transmit material that contains viruses, or other components designed to interrupt, limit or destroy the functionality of other computer software or hardware;
  • breach any applicable laws or regulations.

Allied Ventures has no obligation to monitor any user’s use of the Allied Ventures web., however Allied Ventures retains the right at all times to monitor, retain and disclose any information as necessary to satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental request.

You will indemnify Allied Ventures if Allied Ventures or its related bodies corporate suffer any loss or damage or incur any costs in connection with any breach of these conditions or any other legal obligation by you or your use of or conduct on the Allied Ventures web.

Disclaimer of warranties
All material published by Allied Ventures (Allied Ventures), including web page content, is provided in good faith. It is believed to be accurate and current as at the date of publication, with a bona fide expectation that the source of the material is both current and reliable. Your use of the information is at your sole risk. Allied Ventures will not be liable for loss resulting from any action or decision by you in reliance on the information, nor any interruption, delay in operation or transmission, virus, communications failure, Internet access difficulties, or malfunction in equipment or software resulting form its use.

Allied Ventures, its related bodies corporate, directors and employees make no representation or warranty that (i) any material publish by Allied Ventures web will remain current, reliable, accurate or complete (nor do they accept any responsibility arising in any way for errors in, or omissions from that material); or (ii) your access to the Allied Ventures web will be uninterrupted, timely or secure.

Not to be considered advice – General reference only
Unless specifically published as a formal Statement of Advice, all material published by Allied Ventures is for general reference only. It is not to be taken as advice. You should seek formal, specific advice from an Allied Ventures authorised representative to ensure that any advice is tailored to your specific circumstances prior to making any decisions.

Unless stated to be otherwise, charges referred to on the Allied Ventures web are exclusive of GST as defined under A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (the “Act”).

Third party material
Links to websites operated by third parties and advertising of third parties may appear on the Allied Ventures web from time to time. These do not form part of the Allied Ventures web and are not under the control of Allied Ventures or its related bodies corporate and neither Allied Ventures nor its related bodies corporate have any responsibility for the contents of any such material.

Allied Ventures accepts no responsibility for any actions taken by any third party, irrespective of the mode of access to that third party – whether directly or indirectly via the Allied Ventures web.