Privacy Policy

We are committed to protecting the privacy and the confidentiality of our clients and any personal information that we collect from you, whether that information is provided verbally, in written or electronic form.

We collect and secure all client information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 and Australian Privacy Principles established under the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012. Information about the Privacy Principles and your rights under the legislation can be accessed at the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner’s website at

All our staff and representatives are obliged to adhere to this Privacy Policy.

We respect your personal information, and this Privacy Policy aims to describe how we will treat your personal information. This policy covers , Allied Ventures Trust ABN 48 915 320 372 and all affiliates of the Allied Ventures service network including AVMT Pty Ltd ABN 69 151 166 746.

This Policy also includes our policy on the handling of credit reports and our credit reporting policy, that is, it covers additional information on how we manage your personal information collected in connection with a credit application, or a credit facility. We refer to this credit-related information below as credit information.

Why do we collect personal information?

Proactive asset management and prudent financial and credit advice stems from an objective assessment of an individual’s personal situation, needs, objectives and attitudes to honouring commitments, making investment decisions and accepting risks. Such assessments can only be conducted by collecting and reviewing personal information. Similarly, our service representatives need some of your personal details in order to properly execute financial transactions in a timely, efficient manner.

What personal information do we collect and hold?

General information

Our ability to provide you with comprehensive advice and administration depends on our ready access to certain personal information. The types of information that we collect and hold about you could include:

  • Identification information such as your name, residential, postal or email address, telephone numbers, date of birth, number and age of dependants;
  • other contact details such as social media channels;
  • health condition and family plans;
  • past, current and future employment;
  • financial needs and objectives;
  • current financial circumstances, including your assets and liabilities, (actual and potential) income and expenditure, insurance cover and superannuation;
  • family commitments, social security details;
  • financial details such as your tax file number; and
  • other information we think is necessary.

Online Payments

When making payments via our online payment portal, credit card details are transmitted through an application programming interface (API) and the Card Details are hosted by AVMT Pty Ltd in accordance with the company’s Privacy Policy and are held securely and only as long as needed to process the payment, or to process periodic payments if you have authorised as such and hence retention of the details are necessary.

Credit Information

Credit information is information which is used to assess your eligibility to be provided with finance and may include any finance that you have outstanding, your repayment history in respect of those loans, and any judgments or defaults. Usually, credit information is exchanged between credit and finance providers and credit reporting bodies.

Credit References and Reports

Access to some credit providers and products is subject to the provision of a complete credit report. If you applying for such products and/or services, then we may be required to obtain a formal credit report, subject to the conditions of your engagement authority.

When the law authorises or requires us to collect information

We may collect information about you because we are required or authorised by law to collect it, such as under the Anti-Money or Laundering and Courter Terrorism Financing Act 2006 (Cth).

What do we collect via your website activity?

If you are an internet customer of ours, we monitor your use of internet services to ensure we can verify you and can receive information from us, and to identify ways we can improve our services for you.

If you start but do not submit an on-line application, we can contact you using any of the contact details you have supplied to offer help completing it. The information in applications will be kept temporarily then destroyed if the application is not completed.

We also know that some customers like to engage with us through social media channels. We may collect information about you when you interact with us through these channels. However, for all confidential matters, we will ensure we interact with you via a secure forum.

To improve our services and products, we sometimes collect de-identified information from web users. That information could include IP addresses or geographical information to ensure your use of our web applications is secure.


Occasionally our web site uses cookies to allow the site to identify technical components of your browser while you are using our site. These cookies simply aid the technology and its developers to enhance the site to improve your browsing experience. Despite their harmlessness, you may wish to configure your browser settings to bar all cookies or to issue warning messages when cookies are encountered. That can afford you an opportunity to refuse their download individually. Refer to your internet browser ’help’ function or user manual for details of these settings.

How we collect and hold your information

Unless it is unreasonable or impracticable, we will try to collect personal information directly from you (referred to as ’solicited information’). For this reason, it is important that you help us to do this and keep your contact details up-to-date.

There are a number of ways in which we may seek information from you. We might collect your information when you fill out a form with us, when you have given us a call or use our website. We also find using electronic means, such as email or SMS, a convenient way to communicate with you and to verify your details.

How we collect your information from other sources

Sometimes, we will collect information about you from other sources in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988.

We will do this only if it is reasonably necessary to do so, for example, where:

    • we collect information from third parties about a loan or lease made available or offered to you as a product of the services we provide you;
    • we cannot get hold of you and we rely on public information to update your contact details; or
    • we exchange information with your legal or financial advisers or other representatives in accordance with any authorisation provided or resonably deemed to be provided by you.

What if you do not want to provide us with your personal information?

If you do not provide your information to us, it may not be possible:

    • for us to give you the advice, services or assistance you seek from us;
    • to assist in finding a loan or lease relevant to your circumstances;
    • verify your identity or protect against fraud; or
    • to let you know about product or service options that might be suitable for your needs.

How we collect and hold your financial and credit information

We will collect your financial and credit information in the course of you answering the enquiries we make of you relating to evaluating your capacity to fund a purchase or commitment, or determining the scope of advice and assistance you seek from us. In addition to the information declared above we may also request approval to obtain information from a range of other sources, including:

    • your co-applicants;
    • your spouse or de-facto;
    • your guarantors/proposed guarantors;
    • your employer, accountant, real estate agent or other referees;
    • your agents and other representatives – including the person who referred your business to us, your solicitors, conveyancers and settlement agents;
    • organisations that help us to process credit applications;
    • organisations that check any security or guarantee you are offering (such as valuers);
    • bodies that issue identification documents to help us check your identity; and
    • service providers involved in processing any application you submit hrough us.

What do we do when we get information we did not ask for?

Sometimes, people share information with us we have not sought out (referred to as ’unsolicited information’).

Where we receive unsolicited personal information about you, we will check whether that information is reasonably necessary for our functions or activities. If it is, we will handle this information with the same degree of diligence as we do for all your other information. If not, we will ensure we do the right thing and destroy or de-identify it.

When will we notify you that we have received your information?

When we receive personal information from you directly, we will take reasonable steps to notify you how and why we collected your information, who we may disclose it to and outline how you can access it, seek correction of it and how to lodge a complaint if you feel the information is not being properly managed.

Sometimes we collect your personal information from third parties. You may not be aware that we have done so. If we collect information that can be used to identify you, we will take reasonable steps to notify you of that collection.

How do we take care of your personal information?

We store information in different ways, including paper copies and electronic formats. The security of your personal information is important to us and we take all reasonable steps to protect it from unauthorised access or disclosure, modification, misuse, interference and loss. Some of the ways we do this are:

    • document storage security policies;
    • security measures for access to our systems; and
    • only giving access to persons and entities that are properly authorised to receive that information.

We may store personal information physically or electronically with third party data storage providers. Where we do this, we use contractual arrangements to ensure those providers take appropriate measures to protect that information and restrict its use.

What happens when we no longer need your information?

We will only keep your information for as long as we require it to provide or offer proucts and services to you, or if have a legal obligation to retain information for a specified period of time under legislation or regulations. When we no longer require your information, we will ensure that your information is destroyed or de-identified.

What are the main reasons we collect, hold and use your information?

Collecting your personal information allows us to provide you with the products and services you want or need.

This means we can use your information to:

    • propose suitable credit assistance;
    • identify suitable products or related services;
    • assess your eligibility for loans, leases, or any related services;
    • assist you to prepare an application for a lease or a loan;
    • administer services we provide, for example, to answer requests or deal with complaints;
    • administer payments we receive, or any payments we make, relating to your products and services;
    • facilitate applications for products and services;
    • form a basis for developing a strategy/plan to achieve your needs;
    • provide appropriate advice to meet your stated needs;
    • implement recommendations;
    • review your plans.

Can we use your information for marketing our products and services?

We may use or disclose your personal information to let you know about other products or services we or a third party make available and that may be of interest to you. We will always let you know that you can opt out from receiving marketing offers.

With your consent, we may disclose your personal information to third parties for the purpose of connecting you with other businesses or customers. You can ask us not to do this at any time. We will not sell your personal information to any organisation.

Yes, You Can Opt-Out

You can let us know at any time if you no longer wish to receive direct marketing offers from us. You may at any time decline to receive such information by phoning us on the phone numbers listed on the Contact Us page of this site or by writing to us via the inquiry links or portal on Contact Us page of this site. We will process your request as soon as practicable.

Sharing outside of Australia
We are not likely to disclose your information to organisations overseas. However, we may store your information in cloud or other types of networked or electronic storage. As electronic or networked storage can be accessed from various countries via an internet connection, it is not always practicable to know in which country your information may be held.

How do you access your personal information?

We will always give you access to your personal information unless we are legally restricted due to legislative controls or judiciary orders or injunctions.

You can make a request in writing to access any of your personal information that we retain. In some cases we may also be able to action your request via telephone.

We may charge you a small fee to recover any costs we may incur if we need to retrieve requested information from off-site archival storage or electronic archive media and also any cost of delivering the information.

We are not always required to give you access to your personal information. Some of the situations where we do not have to give you access include when:

    • we believe there is a threat to life or public safety;
    • there is an unreasonable impact on other individuals;
    • the request is frivolous;
    • the information would not be ordinarily accessible because of legal proceedings;
    • it would prejudice negotiations with you;
    • it would be unlawful;
    • it would jeopardise taking action against serious misconduct by you;
    • it would be likely to harm the activities of an enforcement body (e.g. the police); or
    • it would harm the confidentiality of our commercial information.

If we cannot provide your information in the way you have requested, we will formally disclose the reasons to you in writing. If you have concerns, you should contact us and lodge a formal request in accordance with the procedures described above.

How do you correct your personal information?

How we correct your information
It is important to us that the personal information we hold about you is accurate and up-to-date. When providing advice and assistance during the course of our relationship with you we may ask you to inform us if any of your personal information has changed.

Contact us if you think there is something wrong with the information we hold about you and we will try to correct it if it is:

    • inaccurate;
    • out-of-date;
    • incomplete;
    • irrelevant; or
    • misleading.

If you are worried that we have given incorrect or incomplete information to others, please notify us and we shall advise them of the error or omission.

What additional things do we have to do to correct your credit information? If you ask us to correct credit information, we will help you with this in the following way.

Helping you manage corrections
Whether we made the mistake or someone else made it, we are required to help you ask for the information to be corrected. So we can do this, we might need to talk to others. However, the most efficient way for you to make a correction request is to send it to the organisation which made the mistake.

Where we correct information
If we are able to correct the information, we will let you know within five business days of deciding to do this. We will also notify relevant third parties. If there are any instances where we cannot do this, then we will notify you in writing.

Where we cannot correct information
If we are unable to correct your information, we will explain the reasons and circumstances in writing within five business days of such a determination. If you have any concerns, you can access our external dispute resolution scheme or make a complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.

Time frame for correcting information
If we agree to correct your information, we will do so within 30 days from when you asked us, or any longer period that has been agreed by you.

If we cannot make corrections within a 30 day time frame or the agreed time frame, we shall:

    • explain the cause of the delay, and provide a revised estimate of completion/correction date;
    • request your written approval for an extension of time; and
    • inform you of your rights to lodge a complaint to our external dispute resolution scheme or the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.

How do you make a complaint?

If you have a complaint about how we handle your personal information, you should contact your designated advisor and lodge a formal complaint.

We are committed to resolving your complaint and doing the right thing by our customers. Most complaints are resolved quickly, and you should hear from us within five business days.

Need more help?

If you still feel your issue has not been resolved to your satisfaction, then you can raise your concern with the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner:

    • Online:
    • Phone: 1300 363 992
    • Email:
    • Fax: +61 2 9284 9666
    • Mail: GPO Box 5218 Sydney NSW 2001 or GPO Box 2999 Canberra ACT 2601

What additional things do we have to do to manage your complaints about credit information?

If your complaint relates to how we handled your access and correction requests
You may take your complaint directly to our external dispute resolution scheme or the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner. You are not required to let us try to fix it first.

For all other complaints relating to credit information
If you make a complaint about things (other than an access request or correction request) in relation to your credit information, we will let you know how we will deal with it within seven days.

Ask for more time if we cannot fix things in 30 days
If we cannot fix things within 30 days, we will let you know why and how long we think it will take. We will also ask you for an extension of time to fix the matter. If you have any concerns, you may complain to our dispute resolution managers or the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.

Letting you know about our decision
We will let you know about our decision within 30 days or any longer agreed time frame. If you have any concerns, you may complain to our external dispute resolution managers or the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.

Contact Us

We care about your privacy. Please contact us if you have any questions or comments about our privacy policies and procedures. We welcome your feedback.

You can contact us by using the details below:

Business Names: Oz Property HQ & Allied Ventures Trust as divisions of AVMT Pty Ltd
Postal Address: PO Box 1544, St Kilda South VIC Australia 3182
Phone: +61 3 9013 5799

Changes to this Privacy Policy

This Policy may change periodically. Policy changes will be posted on our website however you may contact us for a copy of the current policy at any time.